A heartfelt thank you to all our donors and sponsors. Without you,
I’m fine. could not contimue the mental health conversation.
Major Sponsors:
Additional Sponsors:
Fiscal Sponsors:
Clay Sponsor:

Trevor Allt
William Arbuckle
Sheila and Tim Bolte
Michael and Robin Bouder
Alissa Bowen
Philip Bowers
Ellen Bradley
Denise Brady
Dave Breschi
Michael and Mary Anne Kane Breschi
Kelli Cameron
Gary and Joan Carl
Judy and Frank Castrina
Mary Caverly
Dean E Chamberlin
Jieshi Chen
John & John Clifton
Greg and Cecelia Clippinger in memory of RB Clippinger
Gail Coleman
Ian and Ann-Marie Copland in memory of Benji Mendez
Lorelei Coplen
Theresa M Corasaniti
Dannie De Novo
Lisa Dorrill
Justin & Megan Doty
Mary Faller Duxbury
Laura Einstein
Molly & Norm Fortney
Mary & Hubert Gilroy
Tim and Wendy Hoy
Roberta Iula
Molly Johnson
Amy Jordan
Melinda Joyce
Bonnie Kanas
Jessica Kastriba
Elyse Kleist
Howard and Margaret Klions
Heather Kramer
Devera Lang
Katie and Todd Long
Janelle Mancuso
Jo Ann Mitchell
Robert and Sandra Morofsky
Michael Murphy
David O’Connor
Kirsten Olson
Paula Orenstein
Diana Putman
Bob and Terry Rasch
Maureen Reed
Maureen Reed in memory of Tish Breschi
Ann E Rhoads
David and Rebecca Richeson
Howard and Alison Rosen
Polly Rost
June Shomaker
“Shots for Sharing, Student-Athlete Mental Health and Suicide Awareness” in memory of Andrew R, Olivia Ball, organizer
Carl Shuman in memory of Sherry Coben
Billie Jo Sipe
Christina Skozilas
Roy Sullivan
Johanna & Barry Tesman
Christina Whitney
Carol Williams
Katherine Young
Donations in memory of Patrick Joyce
Joan & Gary Carl
Kenneth & Janice Jones
Mary Joyce
Donations in memory of Terrance “Cuddy” Kane
Tim and Sheila Bolte
Debbie & Tony Breschi
Jaquelyn and Louis Breschi
Lynn Chincheck
Dom Cottone
Francesca Dalina-Dubon
Amy Daugherty and his Sister’s Friends at DDA
Eileen Fitzgerald
Daniel Isales
Mike Jepson
Erin Kroneberger
Paul and Martha Mallonee
William Matricciani
Patrick O'Neill
Margaret Poole
Donna Steele
Carol Thompson
Donations in memory of Sarah Irwin
Karen Beeler
George Costopoulos
First United Methodist Church Friendship Class
Candice Fortney
Judith Tanner & Earl Sunderland